Mango Hill Cottages &
Hill Of Promise Winery

  • Complimentary Breakfast
  • Private Cottage
  • Double From $150 Per Night
  • Free Wine Tasting!

Mango Hill Cottages &
Hill Of Promise Winery

  • Complimentary Breakfast
  • Private Cottage
  • Double From $150 Per Night
  • Free Wine Tasting!

Mango Hill Cottages &
Hill Of Promise Winery

  • Complimentary Breakfast
  • Private Cottage
  • Double From $150 Per Night
  • Free Wine Tasting!

Mango Hill Cottages &
Hill Of Promise Winery

  • Complimentary Breakfast
  • Private Cottage
  • Double From $150 Per Night
  • Free Wine Tasting!


June 10, 2020

Cellar Door open today WED 10TH JUNE for take-away sales…. sorry no tasting just yet.


0408 875 305   4126 1311

ciao tutti…. a visit from a Fearsome Owl

June 10, 2020

ciao tutti! Some cloud cover and a chance of rain?
Ever hopeful here on the Hill!

A bit of excitement over the past 3 nights with the arrival of a Fearsome Owl. First one sighted and he seems to like the Jagera tree & the clothes line. He stayed for over an hour and didn’t seem to mind the human company.  Maybe the name ‘the Little Cellar Rat ‘ had him intrigued!
mi dispiace….😢 no photos, didn’t want the flash to scare him/her away. The Little Cellar Rat hopes he is a regular.


ciao tutti…. Cellar Door closed today Tues 9th June, Open again tomorrow Wed 10th June for Take-aways.

June 8, 2020

ciao tutti!   Cellar Door Closed Today Tuesday 9th June, Open again tomorrow Wed 10th June for Take-Aways.

ciao tutti….Happy Queensland Day!

June 5, 2020

6th June 1859 – Queen Victoria, reigning Queen of England, signs the  Letters Patent that formally declare the colony of Moreton Bay as a separate entity from New South Wales with the name honouring the monarch – QUEENSLAND!


If you are looking to bake anything this weekend, try your hand at LAMINGTONS!! Yes, it’s a genuine Queenslander owing its invention to the quick thinking chef to Governor Sir George Ferguson Bowen, first governor of the newly separated  colony.  With guests turning up unexpectedly and nothing but some state plain cake on hand, this enterprising chef cut it into small pieces, coated each with chocolate icing and tossed each  in coconut.  Better still he named the tasty rat after his boss who was none other that the Lord Lamington!! Nothing wrong with purchasing some from you local baker and toasting this decidedly  quick thinking lad.  buon appetito…. buona cucina!

ciao tutti…. Thursday 4th June

June 4, 2020

ciao tutti…. Thursday 4th June.
Time for a smile with a teaspoon of truth!

Cellar Door OPEN FOR TAKE-AWAY TODAY until 4pm.
forse ci vediamo oggi!
07 4126 3470 0408 875 305


ciao tutti… chilly Wed 3rd June here on the Hill

June 2, 2020

ciao tutti! Chilly Wednesday here on the Hill. The Little Cellar Rat has Baked Rice and Baked Custard in the oven. Oh, that wonderfully warm smell of nutmeg does it every time.
Find yourself scratching around on the shelf, trying to find that whisk, that can opener, that peeler. I know it’s in there… but they all look alike! Get out your little torch. It’s a definite stress buster, especially when time is in short supply.
Stay warm, vary your tasks, scarf- up and take that bucket of scraps down to the compost heap. Never know what surprises you’ll discover en route.

alla prossima!!


ciao tutti…..happy 1st June to us all.

June 1, 2020

June in the Julian – Gregorian Calendar is named after  Juno, Roman goddess, wife of chief god Jupiter and goddess of marriage .

June contains the summer solstice in the Northern hemisphere (the day with the greatest number of daylight hours) and the winter Solstice in the Southern Hemisphere (the day with the fewest number of daylight hours)

It is only the second month named after or in honour of a woman.  Hmm…. we can blame that on those toga wearing Roman emperors.

Happy Month to those amongst us named June, celebrating a birthday or a wedding anniversary!

alla prossima!

ciao tutti ….. le weekend!

May 29, 2020

ciao tutti….le weekend! Has a certain ring to it in any language, does it not! What are your plans?
The Little Cellar Rat got to it yesterday with the little Makita finishing sander and gave the wooden chopping boards a good once over. She’s collected 8 or 9 over the years and yes, they all get used – ‘horses for courses’. They’re a pleasure to use, easy to clean and sanitise and they don’t blunt your knives. Teach other members of the tribe to use one for onions and garlic and a separate one for fruit and nuts. Write these instructions on each one with permanent pen – no excuses then…. She’s off to do that now! buona cucina, buon appetito!


ciao tutti! Friday ….. and another milestone on the road to recovery

May 29, 2020

ciao tutti! Friday ….. and another milestone on the road to recovery.
End of the school week, the kiddlies are coming home starving and of course they’re continuing the Friday Afternoon Pancake tradition established or re-established during Schooling From Home. Most folk, both big and small, like the cooking side,(because you get to EAT SOMETHING) but no so much the washing up side. The Little Cellar Rat’s mother gave her a great tip aeons ago and that was to have a small container of hot soapy water in the sink to wash spoons etc as you use them, that way one tablespoon can be used and re-used and keep the pile of washing up under control. buona cucina… buon appetito!


ciao tutti…… 4 amigos

May 27, 2020

ciao tutti! With many opportunities during the prolonged CV Lockdown for everyone to experiment in the kitchen, no doubt the kids will have some interesting and tasty lunches (homemade, self- made) packed into the school bags this week. The Little Cellar Rat finds having much used herbs & spices stored together simplifies and speeds up things.
Her 4 Amigos – Italian herbs, smoky paprika, chilli flakes and cracked paper.
buona cucina… buon appetito!


The Perfect Stop-Over Point to
Explore South East Queensland

  • Located at our winery - Hill Of Promise!
  • Situated half-way between Brisbane & Rockhampton
  • 40 minutes to Bundaberg
  • 50 minutes to Maryborough
  • 30 minutes to Woodgate beach
  • 60 minutes to Hervey Bay & Departure points for Fraser Island & Lady Elliott Island
  • 2.25 hours to 1770 - The departure point for Lady Musgrave Island