Mango Hill Cottages &
Hill Of Promise Winery

  • Complimentary Breakfast
  • Private Cottage
  • Double From $150 Per Night
  • Free Wine Tasting!

Mango Hill Cottages &
Hill Of Promise Winery

  • Complimentary Breakfast
  • Private Cottage
  • Double From $150 Per Night
  • Free Wine Tasting!

Mango Hill Cottages &
Hill Of Promise Winery

  • Complimentary Breakfast
  • Private Cottage
  • Double From $150 Per Night
  • Free Wine Tasting!

Mango Hill Cottages &
Hill Of Promise Winery

  • Complimentary Breakfast
  • Private Cottage
  • Double From $150 Per Night
  • Free Wine Tasting!

ciao tutti! PACKHAM PEARS packed with winter seasonal flavour

July 19, 2020

ciao tutti!

Packham Pears – packed with flavour, texture, seasonal goodness

Enjoy chunked with yoghurt for breakfast

Buy firm, sit on kitchen bench for 2-3 days to ripen and develop flavour

for a Delicious Dessert idea:  Slice thickly, cook both sides in butter, allow to caramelise then add squeeze vanilla,  sprinkle of mixed spice or Chinese 5 Spice a little soft brown sugar, shaving of lemon zest.

Serve with pouring cream, vanilla icecream on bnb plate with knife  fork and spoon.

mi dispiace….The Little Cellar Rat and TErranzo the winemaker got carried away with the deliciousness and didn’t get to take a pic of the finished product. buona cucina!  alla prossima!

ciao tutti!! sunny SUNDAY here on the Hill

July 19, 2020

ciao tutti! What’s happening for you on this glorious July Sunday? Feet in the sun, catching up on the weekend papers or maybe a riveting novel (hard copy or digital, whatever is your preference) or maybe it’s a chance for some time in the garden.
41261311 4126 3470 0408 875 305
#shoplocal #buyfromthebush #purewines #astoryineveryglass



Ciao tutti! another beautiful day for a Saturday

July 18, 2020

Another beautiful Saturday morning here on the Hill.



4126 1311  4126 3470  0408 875 305

Ciao tutti! Of pumps and closures

July 17, 2020

ciao tutti!! Fabulous Friday here on the Hill. I bet those scarves are getting a good workout. 3 Cheers for the Hugh Grant Knot!
To more serious things… CELLAR DOOR OPEN TODAY FRID 17TH JULY 10AM – 4PM 4126 1311 4126 3470
0408 875 305

Cellar Rat’s Tip: A Wine Pump and Champagne stopper are very useful assistants if you don’t consume a bottle of wine or sparkling in one sitting. These are what the Little Cellar Rat uses but find ones that suit you. alla prossima!



ciao tutti! Brrr again ….. but aren’t the days just so delicious.

July 15, 2020

ciao tutti!  Thursday 16th July and YES, the Cellar Door is open for tastings and take-away sales today 10am -4pm.  4126 1311   4126 3470  0408 875 305

Don’t forget when you are in the Cellar for to ask fosome fresh rosemary from our Winery Herb patch.  It is so aromatic and a wonderful cooking companion for all things roasted from vegetables through to lamb, beef and chicken.

Enjoy all things including alcohol in moderation …. and accompanied by good food and magnificent company. 


alla prossima….. buono cucina!

ciao tutti! ‘fa freddo’ here on the Hill this morning.

July 15, 2020

Happy Wednesday 15th July ! Another crisp start to the morning but isn’t that buttery sun good enough to spread on your breakfast toast.



The Little Cellar Rat could be working anywhere on the property so, if you can’t raise anyone at the cellar door, please give her a call – 4126 1311    4126 3470   0408 875 305

ciao tutti! Try saying MOROCCAN STYLE ROAST LAMB

July 14, 2020

ciao tutti!   Br….. beautiful and fresh here on the Hill this morning and just the weather for something like Lamb Hotpot, Lamb Curry or  the Little Cellar Rat’s MOROCCAN SPICED ROAST LEG OF LAMB.

Terranzo the Winemaker picked up a delicious, succulent leg of lamb from BUCKS BUTCHERY CHILDERS on Saturday and no prizes for guessing what we enjoyed here on the weekend.  here’s the very basic recipe:


Make a rub of:

  • zest of 2 oranges + juice of 1
  • 2 dessertspoons Moroccan Spice Mix – MASTERFOODS
  • 1 teaspoon cumin
  • 1 teaspoon smoky paprika
  • 1 teaspoon Italian herbs + fresh thyme if you have it.
  • a dash of Extra Virgin Olive Oil to bind.

Massage all over the leg.

You know your own oven best but it will brown family quickly (due to the spice mix + orange juice) so roast uncovered 180 degrees for around 30 mins then cover lightly with foil for the remainder.

ciao tutti! winery clean out = a discovery!

July 12, 2020

the Little Cellar Rat had a tidy up the winery this past week.  The result?  Coming across some 1/2 bottles of 15 yr old  dry white, just. the ticket for using in seafood and chicken dishes

He’s her chicken recipe for using a dry white.  Squisito!

Chicken with Lemon, Mustard and Capers

  • 4-6 chicken thighs, ( bone in, skin on)
  • zest of one lemon + squeeze of juice
  • garlic to your liking
  • dry white wine
  • chilli flakes
  • chicken stock
  • capers
  • a heaped generous teaspoon American Mild Mustard or Seeded Mustard
  • 1 dessertspoon cream (pouring or Sour Light)

Remove most of  skin from chicken, cut into 3 or 4 pieces removing meat from the bone (Set bones aside to use for stock or discard as they won’t be used)

Decide on size of pan to suit as cooking will take place in it.

Use oil of choice and add pieces one at a time to brown.

Add garlic (I used minced) when browning done and chicken looks ½ cooked.

Add white wine, lemon zest, chilli flakes, pepper, chicken stock (1 teaspoon chicken sock + water is ok) squeeze lemon juice.  Put lid on, turn heat down and allow chicken to finish cooking.

When chicken is cooked, turn heat down, add  mustard, capers and cream.  Taste, adjust seasoning.

See with steamed green beans + jacket potato.






ciao tutti! Stupendous Saturday here on the Hill.

July 11, 2020

ciao tutti! Stupendous Saturday here on the Hill. Bit of a sleep in, breakfast on the sunny back deck…. all set to face the day.
CELLAR DOOR OPEN FOR TASTINGS AND SALES TODAY SAT 11 JULY. 10am – 4pm Give the Little Cellar Rat a call – 04126 1311 4126 3470 0408 875 305
A BIG THANK YOU to all cellar door guests who have been totally compliant & courteous.
To all the schoolholiday makers coming to the end of the 2 week break, soak up our beautiful winter weather. forse ci vediamo più tardi!


alla prossima!

ciao tutti! Mini Lemoncello

July 8, 2020

Planning a wedding, renewal of vows, christening or naming ceremony???

We are doing Lemoncello in little special momento-sized bottles… something different, delicious and delightful for a special occasion.

For more details give the Little Cellar Rat a call.

These were bottled for a gorgeous wedding late last year, before CoronaVirus landed.

4126 1311  4126 3470  0408 875 305

The Perfect Stop-Over Point to
Explore South East Queensland

  • Located at our winery - Hill Of Promise!
  • Situated half-way between Brisbane & Rockhampton
  • 40 minutes to Bundaberg
  • 50 minutes to Maryborough
  • 30 minutes to Woodgate beach
  • 60 minutes to Hervey Bay & Departure points for Fraser Island & Lady Elliott Island
  • 2.25 hours to 1770 - The departure point for Lady Musgrave Island