ciao tutti! Friday ….. and another milestone on the road to recovery

ciao tutti! Friday ….. and another milestone on the road to recovery. End of the school week, the kiddlies are coming home starving and of course they’re continuing the Friday Afternoon Pancake tradition established or re-established during Schooling From Home. Most folk, both big and small, like the cooking side,(because you get to EAT SOMETHING)…

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ciao tutti…… 4 amigos

ciao tutti! With many opportunities during the prolonged CV Lockdown for everyone to experiment in the kitchen, no doubt the kids will have some interesting and tasty lunches (homemade, self- made) packed into the school bags this week. The Little Cellar Rat finds having much used herbs & spices stored together simplifies and speeds up…

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ciao tutti…. useful, multifunctional

ciao tutti! The Little Cellar Rat likes basic objects that are multi-functional. Take the humble milk crate: light weight, sturdy, economical. Just for starters…. Good as a mini-table for your coffee and a read + write in the sun, helpful in the garden (now… where did those secateurs go?) as temporary storage, a handy seat…

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ciao tutti…. we’ve made it to another Friday!

ciao tutti …. Friday and the overcast sky invites us to find a little spot in the sun. What’s on the menu for lunch? Whatever it is, choose a piece of crockery that brings a smile, summons up memories, makes you laugh out loud or shed a tear… possibly both. buon appetito….. alla prossima! YES…

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ciao tutti…. It’s Wednesday. Did someone say curry???

ciao tutti… It’s Wednesday and those chilly fingers of a southerly are tapping on the windows here on The Hill. Did someone say CURRY ??? If you haven’t made an acquaintance with these little beauties then now’s the time. KAFFIR LIME LEAVES work magic on just a simple Tinned Pink Salmon Curry. The little Cellar…

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ciao tutti…. Tuesday and a bit of chill around the workplace?

ciao tutti! A bit of a chill around the workplace this morning? Hmmm…. soup comes to mind which brings the Little Cellar Rat to this morning’s post, a food related Italian idiom. In English – ‘ every little bit helps’ In Italian – ‘tutto  fa brodo’ (lit: everything makes soup!) Stay safe, stay sane and…

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ciao tutti … Friday again, time for PESTO!

Ciao tutti!  Friday and the end of the working week and it’s back to food. Every cusine has its ‘go-to’ product, used as a staple for whipping up a meal in minutes and permeating so many recipes.  For Italians it has to be BASIL PESTO. The Little Cellar Rat has a pot of beautiful big-leafed…

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ciao tutti….Wednesday 13th and brilliant sunshine here

ciao tutti! Wednesday and brilliant sunshine is on the menu here on the Hill. Time for Pumpkin Soup. The Little Cellar Rat made a batch on the weekend from Pietro the Pumpkin. She isn’t a fan of gadgets but the Breville Soupmaker is so quick and easy Don’t sniff at the humble large saucepan though.…

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ciao tutti…. It’s a windy Tuesday here on the Hill.

ciao tutti!  Tuesday are on the Hill and there’a bit to the wind.   The Little Cellar Rat came across these mango leaves during a raking session in the garden earlier this week. In the topsy-turvy world of CV 19,  the cycle of the seasons provides a stability and constancy.  Once green and shiny they…

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