ciao tutti…. Fresh Rosemary

ciao tutti!  How has your week been?  Settling into the easing of restrictions we hope. The Little Cellar Rat has some very healthy rosemary bushes in the Winery Herb Patch.  Don’t for get to pick up some pieces  when you call in. Not limited to just roast lamb, rosemary adds another layer of flavour to…

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ciao tutti…. Pumpkins galore!

ciao tutti… It’s Friday and don’t you like the sound of that. The Little Cellar Rat hasn’t grown pumpkins before and she’s thrilled at the bounty from the Winery Herb patch. What do you think of these Four Fine Fellows? Pumpin soup, roast pumpkin, pumpkin fruitcake and maybe even pumpkin risotto?  You knows! buona cucina!

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ciao tutti…. a visit from a Fearsome Owl

ciao tutti! Some cloud cover and a chance of rain? Ever hopeful here on the Hill! A bit of excitement over the past 3 nights with the arrival of a Fearsome Owl. First one sighted and he seems to like the Jagera tree & the clothes line. He stayed for over an hour and didn’t…

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ciao tutti….Happy Queensland Day!

6th June 1859 – Queen Victoria, reigning Queen of England, signs the  Letters Patent that formally declare the colony of Moreton Bay as a separate entity from New South Wales with the name honouring the monarch – QUEENSLAND!   If you are looking to bake anything this weekend, try your hand at LAMINGTONS!! Yes, it’s…

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ciao tutti… chilly Wed 3rd June here on the Hill

ciao tutti! Chilly Wednesday here on the Hill. The Little Cellar Rat has Baked Rice and Baked Custard in the oven. Oh, that wonderfully warm smell of nutmeg does it every time. Find yourself scratching around on the shelf, trying to find that whisk, that can opener, that peeler. I know it’s in there… but…

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ciao tutti…..happy 1st June to us all.

June in the Julian – Gregorian Calendar is named after  Juno, Roman goddess, wife of chief god Jupiter and goddess of marriage . June contains the summer solstice in the Northern hemisphere (the day with the greatest number of daylight hours) and the winter Solstice in the Southern Hemisphere (the day with the fewest number…

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ciao tutti ….. le weekend!

ciao tutti….le weekend! Has a certain ring to it in any language, does it not! What are your plans? The Little Cellar Rat got to it yesterday with the little Makita finishing sander and gave the wooden chopping boards a good once over. She’s collected 8 or 9 over the years and yes, they all…

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