Posts by Maryterry
ciao tutti!! Tues 11th August
ciao tutti!! Harvester chomping away across the Bruce …. winter, the Crushing, sun shining… good to be alive! CELLAR DOOR OPEN TODAY TUESDAY 11TH AUG 10AM -4PM 4126 1311 4126 3470 0408 875 305 When next at the CELLAR DOOR, pick up a bottle or two of ‘end of run’ dry red and dry white…
Read Moreciao tutti!! Chilly Monday 10th August here on the Hill.
ciao tutti! Bet you’ve go the warmies on today…. winds blowing from all directions. CELLAR DOOR OPEN TODAY MON 10TH AUG 10AM -4PM 4126 1311 4126 3470 0408 875 305 #localwineswithprideandpassion#madeinthetraditionalway The Little Cellar Rat had Slow cooked Lamb Shanks on the go yesterday. squisito!! Buck the Butcher @ BUCKS BUTCHER SHOPPE CHILDERS cuts them up…
Read Moreciao tutti! What a difference a little rain makes….
ciao tutti! Beautiful 9th August Sunday morning here on the Hill. The air has that gorgeous freshness that only rain can make. CELLAR DOOR OPEN TODAY SUN 9TH AUG 11AM -4PM 4126 1311 4126 3470 0408 875 305 forse ci vediamo più tardi!
Read Moreciao tutti! ah…. Saturday again!
ciao tutti!! The welcome drop of rain overnight has our Avian Acrobats going into overdrive: Honeyeaters in the Yellow Tecoma, Rufous Whistler and Blue Faced Honey Eater in the red Pom Pom shrubs outside the Cellar Door. CELLAR DOOR OPEN TODAY SAT 8TH AUGUST 10AM -4PM 4126 1311 4126 3470 0408 875 305 #walkinintherain #ourpatchoftheplanet #buyfromthebush
Read Moreciao tutti! Cellar Door open today Frid 7th Aug 12noon -4pm
ciao tutti!! A dull old Friday here on the Hill…. but the overcast ones make us appreciate the sunny ones even more! CELLAR DOOR OPEN TODAY FRIDAY 7TH AUGUST 12 NOON – 4PM. 4126 1311 4126 3470 Time for the Cellar Rat to put on the little GEFU coffee maker and whip up a batch…
Read Moreciao tutti! Thurs 6th August
ciao tutti! Thursday 6th August and despite the smoke, it’s still a beautiful day. CELLAR DOOR OPEN TODAY 10AM -4PM FOR TASTINGS AND SALES 4126 1311 4126 3470 0408 875 305 We have made adjustments to the cellar door and tastings experience to be COVD19 SAFE. We thank all prospective guests for their total co-operation…
Read Moreciao tutti! How’s your Tuesday 4th August going?
The sun’s a-shining here on the Hill. CELLAR DOOR OPEN TODAY TUES 4TH AUG FOR TASTINGS & SALES. 10AM- 4PM 4126 1311 4126 3470 0408 875 305 It’s been very uplifting to experience the support of fellow Queenslanders who are keeping small + local businesses such as ourselves going. #wineswithpassion #winesminusthenasties #shoplocal #buyfromthebush
Read Moreciao tutti! Monday Aug 3
ciao tutti! How is your week going so far? CELLAR DOOR OPEN TODAY MON 3RD AUG 10AM – 4PM FOR TASTINGS & SALES 4126 1311 0408 875 305 Our Sweet Red NANNA GELSO is named after Terranzo’s maternal grandmother, Maria. Apart from saying her name with every tasting and bottle sold, her rose is growing…
Read MoreCiao tutti! Sunday and Apollo keeps playing peek-a-boo with the clouds.
ciao tutti!! Sunday and Apollo keeps playing peek-a-boo with the clouds. CELLAR DOOR OPEN TODAY SUN 2nd AUG 10AM -4PM FOR TASTINGS & SALES 4126 1311 4126 3470 0408 875 305 Time for another Italian Idiom: In English we say ‘There’s something up!” In Italian it’s “qualcosa bolle in pentola!’ (Something’s boiling in the…
Read Moreciao tutti! HAPPY 1ST AUGUST TO ALL!
ciao tutti! HAPPY 1ST AUGUST TO ALL! This month, the 8th in our Gregorian Calandar, but in the Roman calendar the 6th ‘SIXTILUS’ (yes, 10 months in their calendar year until re-organised by Big Juli (Julius Caesar) It was renamed after J’s grandnephew Gaius Octavius, his adopted son and heir became Emperor with the title…
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